AMD unveiled its Nile line of processors this summer. The AMD Nile processors are power efficient; they will not consume too much more power than the Intel Atom processor. What's more they deliver significantly better performance than Intel's Atom processors. And because these processors come bundled with the ATI Radeon 4225 graphics, they are also capable of handling HD video playback.

The Nile processors currently available include the AMD K125, K325, and K625 and AMD is expected to launch a new line of low power chips early next year. The company, it seems, has also upgraded one of the existing Nile processors. A product listing for the Acer Aspire One 721 laptop now shows the AMD Neo K145 processor which seems to be an upgrade to the K125. This model is currently only available in Czech Republic.

Like the AMD K125, the K145 also has a total power draw of 12W and 1MB of L2 cache. But while the K125 has a clock speed of 1.7GHz, the K145 is faster at 1.8GHz. The rest of the specifications of the Aspire One 721 remains unchanged. The laptop still has an 11.6 inch display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels, 2GB of DDR3 memory, ATI Radeon HD 4225 graphics, Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g/n and a 1.3MP camera.

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